Yoga for Life Center - Kundalini yoga in Birmingham, MI
“People who have the idea that a woman is a weak and frail creature do not know what a woman is. A woman is sixteen times stronger than a man.” ~ Yogi Bhajan

Join us for Conscious Kundalini

Leisure Bike riding
Sunday Mornings; @07
Call Studio for more information

Every individual has the Vitality within, to live a healthy, successful life.  The vitality comes from body, mind, and spirit working together. When we are in balance we feel Alive.  We have an inner confidence that we can embrace our life, accomplish our goals, and feel our spirit. Conscious bike riding gives you exercise, personal growth, meditative experience, stress mastery, and a clear mind to feel your spirit easily, it adds another dimension of choice to your experience.

Proper Breathing is the Key to build and use your vitality.
 Helmets are required



New Student Special!

3 Classes for $55
Must be used within two weeks

3 Classes for $55 Expiration 2 weeks

Fall Special…

Good Until December 21 winter solstice

8 classes for $99 (12.00 per class, exp 6 weeks after purchase

Learn more about our specials…

Applying Structural Alignment 
Your Kundalini yoga Practice,
Changed to Fall 2019

Six Weeks Workshop

  • The relationship between, Stress, and Emotions it’s affects on your movement 
  • Structural Breathing and Breath awareness
  • Exploring your back half
  • Pelvic floor  and Hips exploration
  • Integrative knee bends with ankles and  feet
  • Releasing the inner thighs